'In Light of Space' slipcase and hardback book
Below are photos of an imagery based project that was started many moons ago (excuse the pun), and I have finally found the time to complete. The result is a handmade 50 page book full of photographic imagery of light and colour paired up with expressive copy, all designed, written and made by myself.

The project was born out of a mass collection of photos I had taken over the years that had begun to pool on my computer, blurry shots of stage lights, fireworks and various other illuminations found at festivals and music gigs. These amateurish snaps begun to get me thinking about the theme of space and how my mishap pics didn’t look too dissimilar from ‘real’ photos taken from the likes of the Hubble Telescope. The copy was the product of some pondering on the subject, a list of possible descriptive words to express the scale of space, some light H.P. Lovecraft reading, a bit of David Bowie listening and a portion of ‘Powers of Ten’ watching.

The book was made using a few different processes, including binding the pages together by hand stitching, creating a hardback cover and spine and finally fixing and securing the pages and cover together using double sided tape and paper engineering to ensure that the book had a robustness to it but would still open fully without breaking or falling apart. Then there was the slip case that would hold the book conformably within, this was created using a net of tight measurements taken from the final dimensions of the book. Once I had these I began to build a more durable structure using card and paper, much to the same thickness as the hardback cover, before finally folding and gluing it into it’s finished box-like shape. The moment of truth was actually seeing if the book would fit within, which was an exact fit thankfully. Very pleased with the final result.
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